Saturday, February 27, 2010


Yes... I did have AWAKE brain surgery February 12, 2010.. my 3rd brain resection. But that isn't why this is REALLY titled "AWAKE."

This is titled AWAKE for how awake I became-truly- to all of my dear twitter friends... the ones I knew closely, and the ones I either partially knew, or some I DID NOT KNOW AT ALL!! And when news zipped around about my surgery finally moving forward after over a year of waiting and prayer-tons of people were thrilled-at my twitter and facebook and even reaching out in prayer and love. To me, my family, etc. And this just touched my life for good. 
This is a way I have always been with others. Real reach-out person, in all circumstances. There the moment my seizures allow me to!! And when it all gets turned around, it sure, can be odd at first... but then you have to sit back-and praise God for bringing so many amazing souls into your life! Just thrilled for such kindness, humbleness, love, gentleness, all of it.... thru HIM! 

I sit back and praise God for my hubby @flyingchristian who was nothing but amazing!! Strong thru it all!! He posted updates thru my whole stay on my blog  --kept his mind focused on Jesus-HIS PLANS-his faith in HIM- as opposed to worrying! PRAISE JESUS!! I love you and our precious daughter Tory so much....
Then there was amazing @SwitchingGranny who began this WILD, LOVING, ON FIRE, PRAYER CHAIN!!! #praying4Hetty --she is just such a doll.. amazing woman of Christ-that even through trials and strife of her own-she concentrates on the need of others... and Jesus smiles big, with amazing rewards for her to come! Starting with huge ((HUGS)) and love now--and an amazing seat with Him when she enters--and hugs HIM!! WOW-connect to her to feel some love!!
Then there is this precious friend @MarshaSpicer -- who kept very much in contact with me while I was in the hospital, and even today! She brings me so much joy with such kind, gentle, caring words... and then still goes on about ME being so humble and encouraging -- inspiring etc... when we both sit back and say NO-- that is ALL JESUS!! She knows... because she has been thru big surgeries.. and knows it is all the grace of God that sees us thru-- as we give it ALL TO HIM!
My awesome friend @Pecor ... she is just a sweet, true gift. One who has such KIND WORDS- ALL THE TIME TO ME. Has so much care for all!! Places others first. This is just true... when you hear the statement "a heart of gold." No matter what she ever goes thru-she has one of those for others-just full of such love and care... and I just have so much to give back to her! Talk about a friend!! True friends can be hard to come by-- but not this one!
Then the ever amazing @JKwallace  -- very dear friend thru Christ whom is a pastor's wife from TN... and so strong in her own walk-that she is amazing thru HIM to reach out to others! One that is on fire-and full of faith and love...will astound you!! This dear lady had her own medical pain-- but was all over my surgeries and long hospital stay--sending me flowers, cards, gifts for Valentines Day--even for my family!! She just never rested!! Kept in contact with me--- and still does!! I am so blessed! We may be far by states, but so near by HEART!!! AMAZING FRIEND THRU Jesus!
Then precious @DianeTate !!! Dear Lady who ALSO went thru the same type of AWAKE brain surgery I went thru this time-- at the Mayo Clinic also with I doctor I know up at the MN Hospital. She came out FULLY recovered-- had some time to adapt and recover-- but she is recovered as a new person-- all thanks #1 to our Lord and Savior #2 our amazing Mayo Hospital and the docs, surgeons, techs, nurses-care!! AMEN! This lady was so much care and support-- and still is. Even with all she goes thru-- she is right there! Such a godly built heart! 
My dear friend @faithfulpoet !! WOW!! Talk about definition of a heart!! He has one that you would think he has a perfect life rolling for all the uplifting he brings you!! The joy he brings in YOUR hard days-in your strife- or in my brain surgery!! This soul is full of grace and love-- all thru our Lord that sees him thru step by step as well!!! As for we all have tough times.. but he still gets thru it- WITH HIM-- and reaches to others. He is one with a true heart- true talent from THAT heart that leads to AMAZING POETRY!!! I suggest you connect and find ALL OF THIS OUT! He will amaze you!  This is to his new poetry blog: 
Finally, I don't know how to say HOW BLESSED I AM that I met, and became precious friends with @jamielynnbeals ! She and I have tweeted for some time now. Ran into a tragic time together, when we still hadn't really met yet-other than waved at a concert from a distance. We lost our precious friend we both, on our own times, visited, had a dear friendship with @jasonmitchener ... She sure helped me grieve thru it all, as for he was the first dear soul I ever lost-and in such a tragic way! This precious friend-- decided to come meet, and visit me while I was up at Mayo, deep wires in my brain!! I FELT SO BLESSED! She came up the late afternoon prior my brain brain resection!! We talked about LIFE for like 4 hours-- then we were interrupted by my dear neurosurgeon Dr. Zimmerman. He turned from happy go lucky Zimmerman- to VERY SERIOUS DOC! And poor Jamie-not used to this at all, looking at her feet as he re-told the AWAKE brain surgery procedure- to make sure I WAS AGO!!  She was astounded when he left the room at what I was prepped for!! But we sure all live different lives- and we all have more "strength" He gives us in certain areas than others- as they do in other areas than we do!! We sure had more to talk about after he left. After I went thru it-- and was in ICU-- I was in a physically moving ability-and mentally on top of the world!! She and I talked and I said to "please, YES, come visit!" Her dear husband Kevin and she-both was amazing! These two have hearts of Jesus-- and share it with all!! They are off to Israel MONDAY! Pray it goes well, and is safe!!! I am blessed with a dear, close- local friend! God will work thru us!
Another amazing place I had awesome prayers one is --amazing soul yes, is Kelsey Grammer who talked to me deep about what I was going thru-plus had assistants call me about it all-how can they help me-- so I can help others--included the AMAZING, heartfelt @HoldemTalkRadio !! I felt so blessed. But if you are there-- or look into it- one AWESOME SOUL.. and on FIRE for Jesus- is Gene Richards! One that started a worldwide prayer for me- really listened to me AND CARED! WOW!! Such a heart this soul has-- and Jesus is so thrilled! 
The list here is just THE START.... will be posting just MORE TO COME!!! You all just make me smile-- and kept my spirits up thru HIM and your amazing love-- I truly thank Jesus for everyone!! I am well--and I thank Him, and YOU ALL!
Blessings and LOVE!
Heather @AliveinMe  (Hetty Jeanette Jensen-Siebens)
Matthew 18:20 "For where two or three are gathered in My name, there am I among them."

1 comment:

  1. Wow.. I see the hand of the Almighty in the gracious selflessness of this post. As our sister recovers from something so big.. she spends her time praying for others.. encouraging others. God Bless you Hetty. And All those who have been #praying4Hetty! Love you and Love HIM even More from knowing you!

