Tuesday, March 16, 2010

So grateful for ALL

Every time I am on Twitter-I am able to smile from ear to ear knowing...God has placed so many amazing souls into my life that I am so ever grateful for. Both near and far. Some I have met...or am still to meet...some I may not meet here on Earth. But I sure will in Heaven. Until then, we get to enjoy our talks and prayers, discussions--thanking God that Twitter and Networking was created!!!
For all that were there in prayer for my surgery-- God bless you all!!! Know-that is my gift as well. I love to pray for all!! Always have since I found Christ!! (2003) I am grateful for all of you that said a small prayer, big prayer, tweeted, re-tweeted, called, sent cards/gifts etc etc etc. I am ever so grateful to you- the children of God- my friends thru Christ- who He heard and said "WOW-all is well-prayer answered!!" As I sit here, well, happy, seizure free one month after my surgery! God bless you all so dearly!! And I am grateful for all of you as my friends-whether you heard about it or not-Jesus did! You are all gifts to me!
I love to take a few names and shout out BIG THANKS-- as for this will go on till the day I die-and longer!! I am ever so thankful for you all!!! But I love to do it at least monthly!! So here we go!!!!!!
First off.... one very amazing, HUMBLE friend of mine- whom #1 - if SOMEHOW you aren't connected- please go to @KEV125 ... #2 you are ready to see how Jesus works in all circumstances--connect with Kevin!! #3 just grasp yourself for always receiving blessings thru his tweets-- he is walking tightly, side by side with Jesus!! He has been such an amazing soul in my twitter stream- one that will always brighten my day- whether I was seizing, having ex husband issues when he snagged my kid, or whether I am thrilled as ever and he is praising with me-- He is Kevin!! Whom is a rock-- one like Christ! And expect that to amaze you-- as it always has me!!
Now, there is my dear friend @BarbaraDuke ... I don't choose her-as for her first name, being my mother's... granted that is a plus! :) But she is one beautiful woman-both INSIDE and out!!! She will tag you with amazing words of wonder-in which you just didn't expect-then, even BAM out of no where, she'll send you surprises that are even deeper, more warm and touching that you'd wonder who was really behind her screen!!?? She is always so upbeat, loving, caring-one who is inspiring and loving at all costs and moments- she is Barbara- but more than that- she is my precious friend I thank God for!!!! You will too-- connect to her and see why!!!!
My dear friend- who snuck up on me out of the blue - @Advocacy4change - is one who will never bring you down on twitter, one who always brings me joy!! He always sees the bright side of me-and all others, thru everything we have to talk about and share. And he sees the beauty to come out of what we face, conquered, and endured! He can see the beauty God has planned, not reason to dwell! And I love that attitude! Such a BIG AMEN!! This one is one to connect to for uplifting experience! One who will always bring you smiles! 
My dear friend thru Christ @SLT23C is one very dear one thru Jesus! He is sure being guided by the Holy Spirit and what Christ has in plans! He is setting up- knowing His plans will unfold... as He sits praying for His next step in guidance! He sure is on fire and is excited to talk about his thoughts about how Jesus is working and His plans for him- I love to hear how Jesus DOES affect 17 yr olds ... and younger! I just didn't know! :) One amazing soul!
My precious friend I have been connected with for at least a year- @joyfulnspirit ! She has a precious marriage-ADORABLE KIDS- and the ONE THING I WAS ALWAYS AMAZED AT--- she HOME SCHOOLS, and always seems so uplifting, calm!! Now I know we all have our trials, and I am here for as many as possible, as many are for me... but you would never know with her-- she just keeps plugging away, with KINDNESS, LOVE, FAITH, and goodness--- HUMOR!! :) She keeps me on my toes! One dear soul who will always brighten your day!!!
Then @BJhewitt - who has such a heart!!! Such prayers!! Such care!! And also listens to all thoughts. He has, truly a sincere heart thru Christ- and an open heart for all thru Him. He is a prayer warrior for sure- one who has sure touched my soul thru that! He isn't one who fights... he is one who debates- listens- thinks out... but there is no one wrong or right. As for we don't know the answers till the end- Jesus will give us the low down. Till then we keep loving each other and sharing thoughts and definitely prayers! And when you talk to him- you'll see, how dear he is thru prayer!
One very precious soul who caught my tweet out of the blue- is a very kind-hearted friend, who knows what Epilepsy is like. Who knows the heart as a best friend. Who is strong in faith and prayer- my gift from God I thank Him for her dear tweets- @annNow ...  She Always brings me joy and smiles-- in all situations!! Very precious gift...
One I can't even explain, is truly from Jesus-- is @atmurdockjr  One who was very much there for ME-with such kind, humble words of prayer during my brain resection-- just out of the blue. And I responded to his amazing, uplifting responses-to my tweets of scripture-etc. And we got into a deep discussion on life- and he is one transparent soul, like me, that I thank God for. A Pastor so open. A Pastor of true Truth. One out there about all he WENT thru- and still goes thru.. but gets thru it, WITH CHRIST! I was amazed and touched at how glorified Christ is thru him and his family! And how blessed we are to be connected- one day, meet them! Amazing what brain surgery can bless you with!
Last one for tonight is my friend @2tir3d -- Rose-- she is one precious gift thru Jesus whom knows that the best is on the Other Side to come. That we may still have suffering to come- but we are to give it to Him, smile thru it all- and know HE DID SO MUCH MORE FOR US- TO LOVE US- TO SAVE US- and He takes it all- our pains will again, go away! But His love will always stay!! And Rose is one uplifting kind soul to share that love thru HIM. Reaching out making sure you remember!! And I thank God for her!! Be blessed- and connect!! 
Just know- I adore you all... and I try to get one out every 2 weeks to every month!!! I don't intentionally skip over any of you-- I just #1 have less brain...  :)  #2 will get to you all! :)  I adore you all!
In His Grip,
Heather @AliveinMe  
Colossians 4:5-6  Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.


  1. Heather, you are such an amazingly beautiful soul. I thank God for leading me to you! He is such a gracious and generous Father.
    Rose- @2tir3d

  2. Hetty, you are followed here and on twitter for the very reason that the light shines from you. Your followers are those who follow Jesus and see him in you.

  3. You are such and encouragement and inspiration to all who come around you! {{HUGS}} for you my dear Heather.


