Sunday, October 11, 2009

Amazing souls...

Twitter has been quite the amazing source, yes, of social networking...but not just to yap when is the most awesome place to connect with so many to pray for, pray for you and with you, share testimonies, struggles, blessings, and life. It is a true connection.

There is nothing better than true contact with family and friends...or awesome worship and fellowship---sharing His Word... but this is on FIRE. And definitely a plus for those who don't drive, can't drive, or just promote their business faith all across the world with buttons!! A few tweets can help change ones heart!!

Then when you are in public and you share this info you have--to connect--with others that need to be brought up, informed on illness, business, family life, faith etc... it is awesome to share your twitter name with all. I am transparent on twitter, blogs, and in I love it when I run into people that hear me talk about Jesus or illnesses such as epilepsy... and I wind up giving my twitter info etc. AWESOME CONTACT TOOL!!

Now for the amazing souls I have met on twitter.... I couldn't even begin. One that has thrown me for a loop the past few weeks is @mcProdigal ... very transparent. The way we should be!! One who always makes me bust laughing, and keep my faith always--such similar life history-- @pbadstibner ... one who is MORE than helping to turn @worldprayr UPSIDE DOWN!!! All for God's glory!! One that has a heart for all-- thru every struggle--every blessing-- every Blog is @jasonthebaldguy (must see his BLOG) One that knows true happiness thru Jesus and touches my soul thru Him @iStones And one that will throw absolute amazement your way---when you reach to him and talk with him---amazing how God works!! @MichaelJStone and dear @jdbegg who has such a heart for Jesus and sure found Him in perfect time! Then dear @cgbrofmi who is ALL ABOUT JESUS--fun, laughter thru all circumstance all go thru--really reaches out!!! And Lord...that is a start....

And my dear friend who reaches out to all to make smile thru everything--makes his day a bright day always @RetiredTeacherD

As for five VERY INSPIRING LADIES to reach to NOW--that have touched my heart beyond belief--- @CGPLADY  @LadyExec @Abeeliever @PartnerinSanity and dear @spreadingjoy ....

Then there is the always dear husband Christian you can find and love dearly too at @flyingchristian and @WorldVentures4U loves Jesus--and his family sooo much....sure loves all!!

These are just the few for the day.... and so much more to come.. haven't hopped on this one in a while... but I can't wait to do so again... you all touch my heart whether here---or thru twitter!! God has reasons for everything!!

In His Love,

Hetty Siebens @AliveinMe @EpilepsyCures

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go see their blogs... I would post them all here--but most have more than one like I do.... so start, if you aren't by connecting with them... then finding out which blog to go to!! You all amaze me....can't wait to do another...have three blog sites going... less brain.... :)

Friendship is one of the sweetest joys of life. Many might have failed beneath the bitterness of their trial, had they not found a friend. ~Charles Spurgeon #Quote
