Monday, November 2, 2009

Always bring you up!!

Twitter has been an amazing source of #1 sharing God's Word #2 praying for others #3 meeting amazing souls #4 sharing life stories-transparency #5 reaching out to others in need of comfort of information that you may know. And then it is always an amazing place to laugh and know Jesus loves our friendships thru Him!!

I always like to post another one of these-- as often as I can-- God knows it will take a lifetime with all the amazing souls on twitter that touch my life. This week I felt the desire to post another-- letting all know that Jesus touches my life in many ways thru many people. And in many ways. I am a dry humor girl, yet always one with a heart-- so I am one who loves all... even the ones who tear me down. :) That is a great verse in Matthew-- to love your enemies!! If we don't... we sure would have a lot of stress we could be rid of-if we'd just let our hearts forgive. That has to be one of the best feelings of love.

Other than that... friendship-- is an amazing love Jesus blessed us with. To love all. And I will say... we are yes, to yoke, to lean on Christian friends... but we are not to shut out people who are not. That was one lecture I got from someone several months ago, for supporting someone on twitter-- for being very encouraging. No words about faith... as for we hadn't talked that deep yet... however this amazing friend, had-- is very very supportive-- not just of me.. but of everyone he connects with-- and with so much joy. It would be me-- full of energy loving people-- but just pretend I don't know Jesus right now. Would you- could you dislike me-- or disconnect? The reason for having friends as followers of Christ-- is to be more like Him... to share His love, His Word-- not lecture-- just share how He has been in your life. Pray they ask more. Pray that seed is planted-- and God helps it grow. But needless to say-- I love all-- whom have the heart like this amazing soul----

All-- if somehow are not connected to @americandream09 -Jeffery Lee Hons-- then I suggest you connect today-- or when you get this message. So you can see how vibrant he is in life and love for people-- in all circumstances-- true uplifter!!! AMAZING SOUL!!! One I would never cross off my list as an amazing friend I feel so blessed to have!! And I thank God for us crossing twitter paths!!

The other amazing soul I feel so utterly blessed to have connected with is @jonnerz John P. Kavanagh ... he may be afar--- but with Networking we are able to talk like we are neighbors. And we are able to share life stories-- so we both know-- we are NEVER alone in any circumstances. He is one amazing soul-- with one true heart for all-- reach out to him-- send him a tweet-- HE WILL RESPOND with such amazing kind words!!! I feel so blessed!!

One lady who is full of love for all-- full of life for her family-- full of smiles in life is @MomBlog ... Miss Tracey Lanter. She is one sweet soul who brings joy to so many lives. I couldn't imagine being her child... I then couldn't imagine a bad day!!! One very amazing soul to connect with--- if somehow not... to bring you joy-ALWAYS!!! :)

Then of course, there is my DEAR DEAR @lynnmosher ... whom the WORLD knows. I always tell her I will be on her front door step--that is just how kind she is--IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES!!! She is one that is very truthful-- but in such kind words. She is one who never lies-- she has too BIG of a heart. She is one that lives everyday for Jesus-- and that is SO TRUE. We all fall short- yes.. but Lynn Mosher does it at least with grace and at His feet. I truly love this lady and am inspired by her.... SO MUCH!!!

Then there is @DocMacaSTAT whom is one amazing soul who not only touches lives on twitter-- but in the ER!!! He listens to my stories I have to humor him about my hospital stays, ER visits, brain surgeries... yet he reaches out with such kindness... the job he does does is one stressful job--- I KNOW FROM BEING THE PATIENT MANY TIMES. And I thank God for souls with hearts like his! Dr. Tony Macasaet touches-heals-fixes souls on the job-- and on twitter-- a great connection!!

Now whether he wants me to post this or not-- Mr. Humble-- @KurtWvS ...Kurt Von Schleicher... has touched my life on twitter thru Jesus-- and on Facebook-- and his amazing Blogs. He is more than on FIRE for Christ-- He is walking so tightly with Him... He is becoming more and more Christ-like each day... one day it will be so much like a mirror image.. as for he is close already!! A must connect (if somehow not) and be moved and inspired thru his love for Jesus!!

Then dear dear--- Mr. El LaGrew .. HE IS ON FIRE FOR CHRIST--- HE HAS A HEART FOR ALL!!! @elagrew will move your heart even if you are having a down day!!! He is one who is full of His Love, His Faith... and reaches out to others-- in such an amazing fashion that would move you-- even if you thought you would never listen to one word about Jesus!! With Him... you would listen to him throughout the day as he tweets. Too kind and generous with words to disconnect!! WOW!! Jesus has molded him in such an amazing fashion... that I can see-- one day, Jesus can do that with me more too!!

Then there is the amazing
@danlopez2012 ... who is truthful about all he has gone thru-and what he is ready to break free from-- thru Christ's help and his motivation!! One amazing, truthful soul.. ready to go out and make everything of himself Jesus has plans for-- and bring others with him... that have ever gone thru troubles.. or that want to know how amazing Jesus is-- when you buck up-- and seek Him-- motivated!! It is like the song "One life to live..." and he knows it.. and is doing it with such a heart and care for all!!! Plus-- a gift-- HE ALWAYS MAKES ME LAUGH!!!!!! AMEN!!! Connect, if somehow you aren't-- with Dan Lopez!!

I love you all so dearly--- and will keep these coming out.... I have a lot going on. I have a couple livestreams starting up -- one for epilepsy, one for Jesus. And will be starting a TokBox too... but I am also getting ready for my last test before my 3rd, and LAST brain surgery for my epilepsy-- so I can come off of like 4 of these meds at least!!!! I am having the MEG test-- it is a 3-6 hour test-- in Birmingham, AL... on the 17th of Nov. So, I am excited-- and love you all for your support!!

Any who wish to SKYPE me-- you can find it on your right hand side to click one--- or just know I am AliveinMe :) Heather Siebens.

Blessings to all.... will keep these coming, along with my others.... please connect!!

In His Love,


Romans 15:7
So accept each other just as Christ has accepted you;then God will be glorified.
