Monday, November 2, 2009

Always bring you up!!

Twitter has been an amazing source of #1 sharing God's Word #2 praying for others #3 meeting amazing souls #4 sharing life stories-transparency #5 reaching out to others in need of comfort of information that you may know. And then it is always an amazing place to laugh and know Jesus loves our friendships thru Him!!

I always like to post another one of these-- as often as I can-- God knows it will take a lifetime with all the amazing souls on twitter that touch my life. This week I felt the desire to post another-- letting all know that Jesus touches my life in many ways thru many people. And in many ways. I am a dry humor girl, yet always one with a heart-- so I am one who loves all... even the ones who tear me down. :) That is a great verse in Matthew-- to love your enemies!! If we don't... we sure would have a lot of stress we could be rid of-if we'd just let our hearts forgive. That has to be one of the best feelings of love.

Other than that... friendship-- is an amazing love Jesus blessed us with. To love all. And I will say... we are yes, to yoke, to lean on Christian friends... but we are not to shut out people who are not. That was one lecture I got from someone several months ago, for supporting someone on twitter-- for being very encouraging. No words about faith... as for we hadn't talked that deep yet... however this amazing friend, had-- is very very supportive-- not just of me.. but of everyone he connects with-- and with so much joy. It would be me-- full of energy loving people-- but just pretend I don't know Jesus right now. Would you- could you dislike me-- or disconnect? The reason for having friends as followers of Christ-- is to be more like Him... to share His love, His Word-- not lecture-- just share how He has been in your life. Pray they ask more. Pray that seed is planted-- and God helps it grow. But needless to say-- I love all-- whom have the heart like this amazing soul----

All-- if somehow are not connected to @americandream09 -Jeffery Lee Hons-- then I suggest you connect today-- or when you get this message. So you can see how vibrant he is in life and love for people-- in all circumstances-- true uplifter!!! AMAZING SOUL!!! One I would never cross off my list as an amazing friend I feel so blessed to have!! And I thank God for us crossing twitter paths!!

The other amazing soul I feel so utterly blessed to have connected with is @jonnerz John P. Kavanagh ... he may be afar--- but with Networking we are able to talk like we are neighbors. And we are able to share life stories-- so we both know-- we are NEVER alone in any circumstances. He is one amazing soul-- with one true heart for all-- reach out to him-- send him a tweet-- HE WILL RESPOND with such amazing kind words!!! I feel so blessed!!

One lady who is full of love for all-- full of life for her family-- full of smiles in life is @MomBlog ... Miss Tracey Lanter. She is one sweet soul who brings joy to so many lives. I couldn't imagine being her child... I then couldn't imagine a bad day!!! One very amazing soul to connect with--- if somehow not... to bring you joy-ALWAYS!!! :)

Then of course, there is my DEAR DEAR @lynnmosher ... whom the WORLD knows. I always tell her I will be on her front door step--that is just how kind she is--IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES!!! She is one that is very truthful-- but in such kind words. She is one who never lies-- she has too BIG of a heart. She is one that lives everyday for Jesus-- and that is SO TRUE. We all fall short- yes.. but Lynn Mosher does it at least with grace and at His feet. I truly love this lady and am inspired by her.... SO MUCH!!!

Then there is @DocMacaSTAT whom is one amazing soul who not only touches lives on twitter-- but in the ER!!! He listens to my stories I have to humor him about my hospital stays, ER visits, brain surgeries... yet he reaches out with such kindness... the job he does does is one stressful job--- I KNOW FROM BEING THE PATIENT MANY TIMES. And I thank God for souls with hearts like his! Dr. Tony Macasaet touches-heals-fixes souls on the job-- and on twitter-- a great connection!!

Now whether he wants me to post this or not-- Mr. Humble-- @KurtWvS ...Kurt Von Schleicher... has touched my life on twitter thru Jesus-- and on Facebook-- and his amazing Blogs. He is more than on FIRE for Christ-- He is walking so tightly with Him... He is becoming more and more Christ-like each day... one day it will be so much like a mirror image.. as for he is close already!! A must connect (if somehow not) and be moved and inspired thru his love for Jesus!!

Then dear dear--- Mr. El LaGrew .. HE IS ON FIRE FOR CHRIST--- HE HAS A HEART FOR ALL!!! @elagrew will move your heart even if you are having a down day!!! He is one who is full of His Love, His Faith... and reaches out to others-- in such an amazing fashion that would move you-- even if you thought you would never listen to one word about Jesus!! With Him... you would listen to him throughout the day as he tweets. Too kind and generous with words to disconnect!! WOW!! Jesus has molded him in such an amazing fashion... that I can see-- one day, Jesus can do that with me more too!!

Then there is the amazing
@danlopez2012 ... who is truthful about all he has gone thru-and what he is ready to break free from-- thru Christ's help and his motivation!! One amazing, truthful soul.. ready to go out and make everything of himself Jesus has plans for-- and bring others with him... that have ever gone thru troubles.. or that want to know how amazing Jesus is-- when you buck up-- and seek Him-- motivated!! It is like the song "One life to live..." and he knows it.. and is doing it with such a heart and care for all!!! Plus-- a gift-- HE ALWAYS MAKES ME LAUGH!!!!!! AMEN!!! Connect, if somehow you aren't-- with Dan Lopez!!

I love you all so dearly--- and will keep these coming out.... I have a lot going on. I have a couple livestreams starting up -- one for epilepsy, one for Jesus. And will be starting a TokBox too... but I am also getting ready for my last test before my 3rd, and LAST brain surgery for my epilepsy-- so I can come off of like 4 of these meds at least!!!! I am having the MEG test-- it is a 3-6 hour test-- in Birmingham, AL... on the 17th of Nov. So, I am excited-- and love you all for your support!!

Any who wish to SKYPE me-- you can find it on your right hand side to click one--- or just know I am AliveinMe :) Heather Siebens.

Blessings to all.... will keep these coming, along with my others.... please connect!!

In His Love,


Romans 15:7
So accept each other just as Christ has accepted you;then God will be glorified.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Amazing souls...

Twitter has been quite the amazing source, yes, of social networking...but not just to yap when is the most awesome place to connect with so many to pray for, pray for you and with you, share testimonies, struggles, blessings, and life. It is a true connection.

There is nothing better than true contact with family and friends...or awesome worship and fellowship---sharing His Word... but this is on FIRE. And definitely a plus for those who don't drive, can't drive, or just promote their business faith all across the world with buttons!! A few tweets can help change ones heart!!

Then when you are in public and you share this info you have--to connect--with others that need to be brought up, informed on illness, business, family life, faith etc... it is awesome to share your twitter name with all. I am transparent on twitter, blogs, and in I love it when I run into people that hear me talk about Jesus or illnesses such as epilepsy... and I wind up giving my twitter info etc. AWESOME CONTACT TOOL!!

Now for the amazing souls I have met on twitter.... I couldn't even begin. One that has thrown me for a loop the past few weeks is @mcProdigal ... very transparent. The way we should be!! One who always makes me bust laughing, and keep my faith always--such similar life history-- @pbadstibner ... one who is MORE than helping to turn @worldprayr UPSIDE DOWN!!! All for God's glory!! One that has a heart for all-- thru every struggle--every blessing-- every Blog is @jasonthebaldguy (must see his BLOG) One that knows true happiness thru Jesus and touches my soul thru Him @iStones And one that will throw absolute amazement your way---when you reach to him and talk with him---amazing how God works!! @MichaelJStone and dear @jdbegg who has such a heart for Jesus and sure found Him in perfect time! Then dear @cgbrofmi who is ALL ABOUT JESUS--fun, laughter thru all circumstance all go thru--really reaches out!!! And Lord...that is a start....

And my dear friend who reaches out to all to make smile thru everything--makes his day a bright day always @RetiredTeacherD

As for five VERY INSPIRING LADIES to reach to NOW--that have touched my heart beyond belief--- @CGPLADY  @LadyExec @Abeeliever @PartnerinSanity and dear @spreadingjoy ....

Then there is the always dear husband Christian you can find and love dearly too at @flyingchristian and @WorldVentures4U loves Jesus--and his family sooo much....sure loves all!!

These are just the few for the day.... and so much more to come.. haven't hopped on this one in a while... but I can't wait to do so again... you all touch my heart whether here---or thru twitter!! God has reasons for everything!!

In His Love,

Hetty Siebens @AliveinMe @EpilepsyCures

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go see their blogs... I would post them all here--but most have more than one like I do.... so start, if you aren't by connecting with them... then finding out which blog to go to!! You all amaze me....can't wait to do another...have three blog sites going... less brain.... :)

Friendship is one of the sweetest joys of life. Many might have failed beneath the bitterness of their trial, had they not found a friend. ~Charles Spurgeon #Quote

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Testimonies amaze me!!

I have come across so many amazing people. And amazing-I mean honest, been thru hard times-and are striving for Jesus. Not famous. Not rich. Just have a heart-yearn for Christ-and admit their dependence on HIM.

I am one who is so open-so transparent with all I have gone thru-with HOW I found HIM-and how HE works in my life. Normally with addictions, or having been beaten, or illnesses etc-many keep it in, whether ashamed or scared others will judge. Some will...but you know what is right thru Him. Using all He has brought you thru will effect more for good than affect them in any bad way. Might be a way to awaken some, to really open your story-be a way for some to feel gracious to God, that what they have going on may not be as bad as it seems...however your transparency-your testimony helps-it is such a blessing to many. Some you will know-some you won't...but keep pressing forward for the Goal=Christ. He has so much in store for you!

I have come across so many amazing many awesome testimonies. That just grab me...a reminder of how GREAT GOD IS FOR US ALL!! I am one who asks people if they have one-as for they just blow me away each time!! He works wonders. Think about when you are chatting with your friends on Twitter-just to ask, if they have one...and if you can read it. Just boggles your mind at how AWESOME GOD IS...for us all.

Always a great place to find testimonies is on @worldprayr 's blog :

Another one off the top of my head is @ericamity 's

A great one is @Pastor_T 's

An amazing soul thru Christ @tonybernard2

And my dear friend....who means SOOOOO much to me-HAPPY BIRTHDAY
TODAY Pat! @pbadstibner 's blog:

These are just a few places-there are more!!! And always the ability just to ask-and you'd be astounded who has one-and how they fell to their knees for Christ-BIG AMEN!

Took me forever-but totally worth every moment-every ounce of pain-every hospital stay-every dumb thing I did. I choose Christ!

Love you all~more off-Christ loves you SOOOO much!!

In His Love,


Nahum 1:7 The LORD is good. When trouble comes, He is a strong refuge. And He knows everyone who trusts Him.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Amazing Faith and Prayer~

We all have our up and down days. This past week was so tough for me-was a basket of tears-which is very much unlike me. But starting with @pbadstibner he started a rally of prayer-and lifting me up. And so many awesome friends came to my rescue thru Christ. That is what life is all about-to love one another so much-to run to their aide-and lift their spirits-therefore they can lift yours and others again SOON.
Have met so many amazing people on twitter-in person-that my heart just reaches out for more- one amazing soul is @gailelaine I was so blessed she drove ALL THE WAY DOWN to see me. Jesus has her heart on fire!! Awesome!
There are so many out there that have tough situations....just know with what I have gone thru-I wouldn't be sitting here typing without Jesus in my life-without asking Him to be my everything. And when I did-so much began to change for the better. Without Him in your life-so much darkness is exposed-and a way of life-really no one wants to live-it just becomes habit. Feels like there is no way out. Know this...there is. And that is accepting Jesus Christ into you heart, your life-as your Lord and Savior. He has amazing plans to unfold...just needs you to grasp Him in trust to begin unfolding them!
I sit and watch close friends go thru divorces that really don't have biblical reason for it. Watch family struggle with lies and deceipt-but trying to change ways of life-for the better. Watch friends with family that know Christ and marriage is still failing....where is the Bible? Where is the worship? Where is the forgiveness and love...where is the correct focus-not to do wrong? Free will is all over the place....but we have to accept Jesus...and stick with Him close-to get thru all these hard times. And sure need to know that praying with others is NEVER A BOTHER!! It is a gift-a blessing. And Christ loves it when you share amongst other believers what is weighing on your heart-and to He hears you ALL...and can bless all of you for such amazing love thru Him. Praying should never be a should be felt like a gift-of trust someone gives you. Which is why I love @worldprayr . My past couple years, I have been one learning to pray for others instead of the focus on me. And that is the best feeling in the world. If you aren't should. Would love to pray for you!
Jesus hears us before we say a word...He just loves the trust and love we give Him...when we speak out loud-and also with others...sharing our faith. Shows the true love and trust we have in HIM!
As I pray my 3rd brain surgery date comes soon...daughters seizures dissipate....and husbands arm can I pray for you?? (those are just a few of my prayers!) :)
God bless you all...have faith...know that praying does more than have Him hear...has Him answering!!

Philipians 4: 6-7 Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

Colossians 4: 2 Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.

1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18 Always be joyful. Keep on praying. No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.

1 Peter 5: 6-7 So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and in His good time He will honor you. Give ALL your worries and cares to God, for He cares about what happens to you!!

1 John 5: 14-15 And we can be confident that He will listen to us whenever we ask Him for anything in HIS WILL. And if WE KNOW He is listening when we make our requests, we can be sure that He will give us what we ask for.
